Where the broad sides of country barns once provided canvases for tobacco advertisements & notices that the circus was coming to town, today those barns are likely to sport colorful reproductions of quilt squares. Painted in bold color, these geometric designs that mimic time-honored quilt squares were the brainchild of Donna Sue Groves of the Ohio Arts Council. In 2001 she started the idea with a barn quilt trail in Adams County, Ohio. Now many communities are getting together to adorn groups of barns with quilt panels & promoting them as public art.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Barn Quilts
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Some Favorite Quotes
Just thought I'd share some of my favorite quotes from some recent books that I've read.
A Slender Thread ~by Tracie Peterson
'Mattie laughed....."Child, I always expect miracles. It's the only way to get through life!" '
A Quilter's Holiday ~by Jennifer Chiaverini
' The Lord provides...but He's also mighty keen on self-reliance.'
'We're all very busy, but we should never become too preoccupied with our own concerns to help those in need.'
Take Four ~by Karen Kingsbury
' Her parents had often said money & fame would never bring them joy. She could hear her dad telling them true joy could only come from having a passion for the work they'd do when they grew up, from living within their means, and ~~even more~~ from the people they surrounded themselves with.'
In the Karen Kingsbury books the kids participate in CKT (Christian Kid's theater) & their 'theme song' through out the books is Great is Thy Faithfulness.
'The Lord's...compassions...are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.' ~Lamentations 3:22-23
Great is thy faithfulness
O God my Father
There is no shadow of turning with Thee
Thou changest not
Thy compassions they fail not
As Thou hast been
Thou forever wilt be.
Pardon for sin & a peace that endureth
Thy own dear presence to cheer & to guide
Strength for today & bright hope for tomorrow
Blessings all mine
With ten thousand beside!
Great is thy faithfulness
Great is thy faithfulness
Morning by morning new mercies I see
All I have needed
Thy hand hath provided
Great is thy faithfulness
Lord unto me!
A Slender Thread ~by Tracie Peterson
'Mattie laughed....."Child, I always expect miracles. It's the only way to get through life!" '
A Quilter's Holiday ~by Jennifer Chiaverini
' The Lord provides...but He's also mighty keen on self-reliance.'
'We're all very busy, but we should never become too preoccupied with our own concerns to help those in need.'
Take Four ~by Karen Kingsbury
' Her parents had often said money & fame would never bring them joy. She could hear her dad telling them true joy could only come from having a passion for the work they'd do when they grew up, from living within their means, and ~~even more~~ from the people they surrounded themselves with.'
In the Karen Kingsbury books the kids participate in CKT (Christian Kid's theater) & their 'theme song' through out the books is Great is Thy Faithfulness.
'The Lord's...compassions...are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.' ~Lamentations 3:22-23
Great is thy faithfulness
O God my Father
There is no shadow of turning with Thee
Thou changest not
Thy compassions they fail not
As Thou hast been
Thou forever wilt be.
Pardon for sin & a peace that endureth
Thy own dear presence to cheer & to guide
Strength for today & bright hope for tomorrow
Blessings all mine
With ten thousand beside!
Great is thy faithfulness
Great is thy faithfulness
Morning by morning new mercies I see
All I have needed
Thy hand hath provided
Great is thy faithfulness
Lord unto me!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Let's see.....first of all I have another TEEN-AGER in the house now. Michael celebrated his 13th birthday on Saturday. We started our celebrating Friday evening by getting Vitos pizza for supper. Saturday morning we had our usual celebratory cinnamon buns & coffee for breakfast & Michael opened his gifts. He got some new shirts, a word find puzzle book, a big ole bottle of Green Tea & some dive rings for the pool. He also got money because he really couldn't decide if he wanted a new bike or a dog! Yep.....all the kids (& Clay too) have been wanting a little indoor doggy for some time now. They are always perusing the Buck Saver & Thrifty Nickel papers....so we decided we'd give him money & then we could go from there...whether it was bike shopping or dog shopping. LOL Saturday, after lunch we all played in the pool for awhile......had to try out those new dive rings, ya know. ;-) Then when Clay got home from work he took the boys to go look at a little Pomeranian puppy he had found. I told them NOT to do anything on a whim.....because for one thing I was super tired that night & just did NOT feel like dealing with a new puppy along with trying to get everything together for our party at maw's on Sunday....not to mention the fact that we would be gone all day Sunday. BUT....anyone who knows Clay knows he is the King of 'Spur-of-the Moment' & as you can guess......they came home with the cutest little Pom puppy you have ever seen!! They said they couldn't help it.....when the guy found out it was Michael's 13th birthday & this was going to be his present, he came down on the price & as they say, the rest is history. Michael says it's THE BEST birthday gift he's ever gotten so I guess that makes it all worthwhile! ;-)
Yesterday, the whole service at church was dedicated to the teens sharing about their recent trip to Kentucky. It was an amazing time! Every single one of the kids & adults that had gone got up & shared. I was so proud of my kids...they did an amazing job of sharing their hearts! All of the kids did......we really have a super group of young people at our church! I am so blessed that my kids are able to be a part of a group like this!! After church, we all headed over to Maw's house for a cook-out birthday celebration for Michael. Ella & kids were there & Sarah & kids came down to have cake & icecream with us! We still have a little bit of celebrating to do for Michael's birthday.....we like to KEEP celebrating......he asked for BBQ ribs for his BD dinner, but since Clay was working over the weekend, we planned to do that on a night when he would be home....so we'll probably do that tomorrow night. **** will add pics as soon as I can get back on MY computer again.****
Yesterday, the whole service at church was dedicated to the teens sharing about their recent trip to Kentucky. It was an amazing time! Every single one of the kids & adults that had gone got up & shared. I was so proud of my kids...they did an amazing job of sharing their hearts! All of the kids did......we really have a super group of young people at our church! I am so blessed that my kids are able to be a part of a group like this!! After church, we all headed over to Maw's house for a cook-out birthday celebration for Michael. Ella & kids were there & Sarah & kids came down to have cake & icecream with us! We still have a little bit of celebrating to do for Michael's birthday.....we like to KEEP celebrating......he asked for BBQ ribs for his BD dinner, but since Clay was working over the weekend, we planned to do that on a night when he would be home....so we'll probably do that tomorrow night. **** will add pics as soon as I can get back on MY computer again.****
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Home again, Home again.....
The kids rolled into the church parking lot about 7:30pm Sunday evening & I tell ya what......they talked NON-STOP all the rest of the evening. They were so pumped about their trip! We spent the rest of night looking at all of Ashley's 300 pics that she took & also watching the video footage that Jon taped.
They went claiming these two verses as kind of the theme for their trip. The first one....Matt. 20:28- the son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister (or serve). The second one....Eph. 3:20- Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think....And according to Pastor Steve, that last verse turned out to be SO true......that God moved & worked during their days there in ways beyond what they ever could have imagined!
They were able to work with the SWAP program & build two decks & a porch during the two days that they worked on this project. They also handed out flyers inviting the community kids out to Bible School next week at Harvest Mountain Baptist Church (the church where they stayed). They delivered gift bags to community folks & handed out $500 worth of Walmart gift cards. They were able to tear down an old shed type building behind the church & also plant flowers out front just to help bring some color & spruce things up a bit. Friday night, they had a youth rally & Our Last Oath played (a band made up of guys from our church) & Pastor Steve spoke. The Holy Spirit really moved that night.....folks got saved & no one wanted to leave. On Saturday, they hiked about a mile up to Bad Branch Falls & once they were up there they had a time of sharing...in particular about how to keep the fire burning in their hearts that had started the night before at the youth rally & they also pulled out the guitar & sang some praise songs.......they even drew a small crowd up there of others that were just out hiking & stopped to see what was going on. Sunday morning was church there at Harvest Mountain & then they loaded up & headed home.
This coming Sunday Pastor Steve is basically giving over the service for them all (grown-ups & teens alike) to share about their experiences in KY. They will be putting together a video this week of everyone's photos to share also. I'm sure that will be an awesome service.
They went claiming these two verses as kind of the theme for their trip. The first one....Matt. 20:28- the son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister (or serve). The second one....Eph. 3:20- Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think....And according to Pastor Steve, that last verse turned out to be SO true......that God moved & worked during their days there in ways beyond what they ever could have imagined!
They were able to work with the SWAP program & build two decks & a porch during the two days that they worked on this project. They also handed out flyers inviting the community kids out to Bible School next week at Harvest Mountain Baptist Church (the church where they stayed). They delivered gift bags to community folks & handed out $500 worth of Walmart gift cards. They were able to tear down an old shed type building behind the church & also plant flowers out front just to help bring some color & spruce things up a bit. Friday night, they had a youth rally & Our Last Oath played (a band made up of guys from our church) & Pastor Steve spoke. The Holy Spirit really moved that night.....folks got saved & no one wanted to leave. On Saturday, they hiked about a mile up to Bad Branch Falls & once they were up there they had a time of sharing...in particular about how to keep the fire burning in their hearts that had started the night before at the youth rally & they also pulled out the guitar & sang some praise songs.......they even drew a small crowd up there of others that were just out hiking & stopped to see what was going on. Sunday morning was church there at Harvest Mountain & then they loaded up & headed home.
This coming Sunday Pastor Steve is basically giving over the service for them all (grown-ups & teens alike) to share about their experiences in KY. They will be putting together a video this week of everyone's photos to share also. I'm sure that will be an awesome service.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Prayers for our Hubbies
Dear Lord,
I pray for my husband from head to toe.......
~His Head- That he will look to you as Lord of his life. (I Cor. 11:13)
~His Mind- That he will have the mind of Christ & think as the Holy Spirit would lead him & not the flesh. (I Cor. 2:16)
~His Eyes-That you will keep his eyes from temptation & that he will turn his eyes from sin. (Matt. 6:13, Mark 9:47)
~His Ears- That he will hear your still small voice instructing him. (I Kings 19:12, Psalm 32:8)
~His Mouth- That his words will be pleasing to you. (Prov. 10:14)
~His Neck- That he will humble himself before you & be strong, courageous, & careful to do everything written in your word so that he will be prosperous & successful. (James 4:10, Joshua 1:8-9)
~His Heart- That he will love & trust you with his whole heart. (Deut. 6:5, Prov. 3:5)
~His Arms- That you will be his strength (Psalm 73:26)
~His Hands- That he will enjoy the work of his hands & see it as a gift from you. (Ecc. 3:13, 5:19)
~His Feet- That you will order his steps & that he will walk in your truth. (Prov. 4:25, Psalm 26:3)
I pray for my husband from head to toe.......
~His Head- That he will look to you as Lord of his life. (I Cor. 11:13)
~His Mind- That he will have the mind of Christ & think as the Holy Spirit would lead him & not the flesh. (I Cor. 2:16)
~His Eyes-That you will keep his eyes from temptation & that he will turn his eyes from sin. (Matt. 6:13, Mark 9:47)
~His Ears- That he will hear your still small voice instructing him. (I Kings 19:12, Psalm 32:8)
~His Mouth- That his words will be pleasing to you. (Prov. 10:14)
~His Neck- That he will humble himself before you & be strong, courageous, & careful to do everything written in your word so that he will be prosperous & successful. (James 4:10, Joshua 1:8-9)
~His Heart- That he will love & trust you with his whole heart. (Deut. 6:5, Prov. 3:5)
~His Arms- That you will be his strength (Psalm 73:26)
~His Hands- That he will enjoy the work of his hands & see it as a gift from you. (Ecc. 3:13, 5:19)
~His Feet- That you will order his steps & that he will walk in your truth. (Prov. 4:25, Psalm 26:3)
Prayers for our Children
I ran across this in a devotional somewhere.....Girlfriends in God, most likely.....but anyway, I thought I'd share it here.
'I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. ' ~~III John 1:4 (NIV)
Pray that your children will:
~Know Christ as savior early in life. (Psalm 63:1, II Tim. 3:15)
~Have a hatred for sin. (Psalm 97:10)
~Be caught when guilty. (Psalm 119:71)
~Be protected from the evil one in each area of their lives: spiritual, emotional & physical. (John 17: 5)
~Have a responsible attitude in all their interpersonal relationships. (Daniel 6:3)
~Desire the right kinds of friends & be protected from the wrong friends. (Prov. 1:10-11)
~Be kept from the wrong mate & saved for the right one! (II Cor. 6: 14-17)
~Be kept pure until marriage (as well as the one they marry). (I Cor. 6:18-20)
~Learn to totally submit to God & actively resist Satan in ALL things! (James 4:7)
~Be single-hearted, willing to be sold out to Jesus Christ. (Rom. 12:1-2)
~Be hedged in so they cannot find their way to wrong people or wrong places & that the wrong people can't find their way to them!!! (Hosea 2:6)
I have another one that I'll post soon about how to pray for our husbands! There is awesome power in prayer!!
'I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. ' ~~III John 1:4 (NIV)
Pray that your children will:
~Know Christ as savior early in life. (Psalm 63:1, II Tim. 3:15)
~Have a hatred for sin. (Psalm 97:10)
~Be caught when guilty. (Psalm 119:71)
~Be protected from the evil one in each area of their lives: spiritual, emotional & physical. (John 17: 5)
~Have a responsible attitude in all their interpersonal relationships. (Daniel 6:3)
~Desire the right kinds of friends & be protected from the wrong friends. (Prov. 1:10-11)
~Be kept from the wrong mate & saved for the right one! (II Cor. 6: 14-17)
~Be kept pure until marriage (as well as the one they marry). (I Cor. 6:18-20)
~Learn to totally submit to God & actively resist Satan in ALL things! (James 4:7)
~Be single-hearted, willing to be sold out to Jesus Christ. (Rom. 12:1-2)
~Be hedged in so they cannot find their way to wrong people or wrong places & that the wrong people can't find their way to them!!! (Hosea 2:6)
I have another one that I'll post soon about how to pray for our husbands! There is awesome power in prayer!!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
A Quiet House
The house was unusually quiet yesterday evening. Chris had left Tuesday morning going to NC to visit Ashley.....just for an overnight stay. Then yesterday afternoon, I dropped Ashley & Jon off at church for their mission's trip to KY. Maw met us there to send them off.....we had an awesome prayer time for the group before they headed out. Came home & fixed supper for just the 4 of us....again, kinda weird & quieter than normal. Really makes me miss all the hullabaloo that's usually the norm around here. Will REALLY be weird on Sat. & Sun......when Clay & Chris are at work & it's just me, Michael & Alli.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
KY Mission's Trip
I keep waiting hoping our dang computer will be working again soon.....I want to post all my latest pictures....4th of July and all. But while I wait to post pictures I figured I might as well post an update & then I can go back & add pics when I can. These past days have been soooo HOT....like upper 90s & even 100 a couple of days. So thankful for our pool because it sure does provide some nice relief on HOT days. Needless to say we've been spending just about every afternoon playing in the pool. Ashley & I also do ALOT of reading during the lazy summer afternoons. I'm almost done with Karen Kingsbury's latest Take Four. And I'm also reading her Sunrise series.....I'm getting ready to start Someday. Ashley has several books about Audrey Hepburn right now......we've been on a roll here recently watching all her movies. Ashley has enjoyed reading all the classic literature & now I'm making a classic movie buff out of her too. We've watched Roman Holiday, Sabrina (the old one), Breakfast at Tiffany's, Funny Face & My Fair Lady. We had a nice quiet 4th here at home. Clay & Chris both had to work, so after church we came home & played in the pool all afternoon. Then grilled some burgers & dogs for supper & ate outside. After awhile, Jon built a little campfire so they could roast marshmallows & make s'mores. They had the absolute BEST time that evening.......they lifted the hatchback on clay's little Geo & cranked up the tunes.....they were out there by the campfire serenading everyone with Toby Mac & DC Talk........singing 'Jesus Freak' & 'Jesus is Still Alright'. When Clay got home we all did sparklers & fireworks & then Ashley & Jon pulled the quilt over by the fire & said they were gonna sit out & wait for Chris to get home from work. When I went to bed, they were out there by the fire with their music & cups of coffee. Aaaaahhhhh sweet memories! Then this past Wed.....they decided they were gonna pull an all-nighter. They did it once last summer & knew they MUST do it once this summer too. Again, they built a campfire & all raosted marshmallows & made s'mores. Then after us OLD folks went to bed they played video games, watched a movie & some old TV shows like CatDog, Gullah, Gullah Island, etc. They have some pretty goofy pics to document their night. Can't wait to share them with y'all. This coming week will be busy & different for sure. Chris is going to NC on Tues (just for a short overnight visit) to see his girlfriend. This is a first....but what can we say......to me it's dejavu...taking me back 20-some years to the days when Clay & I were his age & it was Clay making that trip between VA & NC. Again.....sweet memories! As he is on his way home on Wed....I will be taking Ashley & Jon to church as they head out with the teens from Calvary Chapel to go on a mission's trip to eastern KY. They will be working with a group there called SWAP. Click the link to check it out. They will leave on Wed. & get home sometime Sun. afternoon. So, please...if you think about it.....keep them & their team members in your prayers this coming up week. For safety as they travel & as they minister to these folks in KY. Not much else going on right now......just thoroughly enjoying these lazzy, hazy days of summer!
Friday, July 02, 2010
He Is
I love this song by Mark Schultz! Heard it on the way home this evening & just thought I'd share.
Father, let the world just fade away
Let me feel your presence in this place
Lord, I’ve never been so weary
How I need to know you’re near me
Father, let the world just fade away
Till I’m on my knees
Till my heart can sing
He is
He was
He always will be
Even when it feels like there is no one holding me
Be still, my soul
He is
Father, let your Holy Spirit sing
Let it calm the storm inside of me
As I stand amazed
Lift my hands and say
He is
He was
He always will be
He lives
He loves
He’s always with me
Even when it feels like there is no one holding me
Be still, my soul
Through every fear
And every doubt
And every tear I shed
Down every road
I’m not alone
No matter where I am
He is
He was
And He always will be
He lives
He loves
He’s always with me
Even when it feels like there is no one holding me
Be still, my soul
He is
Father, let the world just fade away
Let me feel your presence in this place
Lord, I’ve never been so weary
How I need to know you’re near me
Father, let the world just fade away
Till I’m on my knees
Till my heart can sing
He is
He was
He always will be
Even when it feels like there is no one holding me
Be still, my soul
He is
Father, let your Holy Spirit sing
Let it calm the storm inside of me
As I stand amazed
Lift my hands and say
He is
He was
He always will be
He lives
He loves
He’s always with me
Even when it feels like there is no one holding me
Be still, my soul
Through every fear
And every doubt
And every tear I shed
Down every road
I’m not alone
No matter where I am
He is
He was
And He always will be
He lives
He loves
He’s always with me
Even when it feels like there is no one holding me
Be still, my soul
He is
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