Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Garden Planting

Well, today was finally the the tiller running & everyone headed out to the garden to get to work. Michael raked......

Jon tilled.....

Everyone planted........Jon & Michael planted potatoes....a couple different kinds, I think. And the girls did the onions, broccoli, lettuce & brussel sprouts. Got everything down that we can for now......until about May.


Jodi said...

awww...awesome photos!!! I miss my garden :(

Can you email me your addy so I can get your candy in the mail?!

Thank you for your sweet comments! I would be honored to have you lift my lo!! Thanks for many spoil the fun when they don't ask. I would love to see your version when you are finished!!

Jodi said...

ha!! candy in the mail! it's been a looong day....don't know where that came from! I meant cards!!