Saturday, November 17, 2012

Happy Birthday, Daniel!

Today was Mr. Daniel's 8th birthday. How he got to be that old, well, I'm just not sure. The girls & I went this afternoon to help him celebrate.
He had a Star Wars/Lego theme going on. Don't you love the cute little Lego man cupcakes that Sarah made?
Singing 'Happy Birthday'.....& getting a little crazy.
Blow that candle, Daniel!
Just thought I'd snap a picture of the happy chaos.
Opening the presents.
Ok, this last photo demands an explanation. While we were there, Maw came out of the bathroom with the toilet handle in her hand. It had just broken completely off. (Cheap plastic, of course these days). We were all was so funny.....guess you just had to be there. But anyway, after a little bit Sarah came back & said that David had fixed it & we HAD to come see what he did. He had taken an old shoe lace, tied it to the thingie in the tank & then poked it through the little hole so it hung down on the outside. 'You just might be a Red neck.........'

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