Monday, February 16, 2009

The Little Things

God cares about even the seemingly 'little' things in our lives. When Bunny came in this moring I realized that he didn't have his collar on. He must've lost it somewhere along the way. I knew Ashley would be really sad...most of all about losing the heart because she bought that for him a few years back for Christmas. Anyway, she told me he smelled like hay & that he had probably come most recently from the hay barn. So, when I went out to take my snow pictures, I prayed as I walked for God to show me where the collar was because I knew it was really important to Ashley. Well, I walked down all through the hay barn, came back up the hill, still asking God to show me right where the collar was. I walked through the 'bike building' where they keep their bicycles & then as I was headed back to the house, there I saw it. Laying right out in the open in the space between the bike building & Clay's building....where we back up & turn around. How awesome is that?! I was so excited to come in & show Ashley. I told her how I had prayed & how God indeed showed me right where the collar was! He most certainly does care about the Little Things in our lives!!


Wanda said...

awwwww..........great story!

Shelly said...

Amy, that is so awesome! I love it when God does that. He really cares about everything in our lives! You have a great day. Love you

donnamusing said...

Isn't God cool!!