Monday, January 17, 2011

My Checklist

My list for today included the following:
~Dark load-done
*Bake Alli's BD cake-done
* Frost/decorate cake- the cake has been frosted & Baker's chocolate has been shaved/sprinkled all over the top. Just need to do a little decorating (which I think will wait until morning now) Alli wants some pink icing piped around the edges.
*make Alli's card-done
* Wrap gifts- waiting til she goes to bed....or at least upstairs for the I can wrap down here undisturbed!
*School- History reading assignments- All done. Of course Jon & Michael just finished theirs up a little bit ago. Oh, the beauties of homeschooling. ;-)


We had an impromptu science class outside today. Michael had gotten a model rocket kit for Christmas which he has been working on over the weeks, but he still needed to buy the launch kit (Which I picked up for him this past Friday using my 50% off coupon at Michael's!) was all ready for launching today, so we all bundled up & went out into the field with him to shoot this baby off. Man do those things fly high!! I mean totally out of sight until they begin to fall & you can catch a glimpse of it again. The first time it landed out in the front field....right on the fence in front of the railroad tracks. So, the second time he launced it, we moved down the hill a little more toward the sawmill. That one did good too, but got stuck in one of the cedar trees along the old drive. They had to climb the tree to get it down. Oh what fun! See, I told you homeschooling was fun!! And this is why the History reading got put off until dark. LOLHere's the birthday card I made for Alli this afternoon. Made it while sitting here watching 'I Love Lucy' episodes on the computer. Then for supper I put on a pot of chicken & dumplings. Just the perfect thing on a cold winter's night.
And I couldn't help but think of Lucy's blog know the one, Maw......where she took a pic of her steamed up kitchen windows. While the dumplings were simmering, I looked over & my windows were all steamed up, my kitchen smelled really yummy & it made me think of Lucy & her cozy little Attic24 across the big pond & so I snapped this pic & thought I'd share a bit my coziness with y'all this evening.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

I had fun reading about shooting off the rocket. I remember doing that with my son... who now is in Special Ops in the Navy, jumping out of airplanes, "sneaking" into situations by small fast boat, telling me about where he's been but not about where he's going, & going places that I've never been including some I'd never want to go.
I'm NewEveryAM's mom, so I found you through her blog.
I enjoyed reading through yours & will be back again. Hope you'll "visit me" sometime @!