-Day 43-
We had planned for two days to do London Broil on the grill, but both days have just been too windy to grill. So, since Clay & the boys were off on a 'Manly Shopping Trip' this afternoon/evening, I decided I'd just whip up some home-made ronis & we could add to it whatever we wanted & call it supper. Ashley fixed herself a little Wheat English muffin pizza, Alli had just ronis & I had ronis, apple slices & a glass of tea. (notice my favorite glass is a wide-mouthed quart Mason jar) ;-)
-Day 44-
I went to town by myself today, so decided I'd pick Chris up after convo & we could have lunch together at Chickfila. We were actually in a hurry leaving there...trying to get him back to class on time & I forgot all about taking my picture of the day....which I had planned on being a picture at CFA. So, later in the afternoon as I was heading out of town...while I sat at the stop-light here...I decided this was a really cool shot because not only did it have Chickfila in the foreground (where we had lunch today) but also, you can see the LU dorms in the background right through those trees....Chris' dorm is actually right along that row there, so I thought that was pretty cool.

-Day 45-
We didn't do anything super spectacular for Vday.....we had our usual celebratory cinnamon buns & coffee for breakfast & I had some little candy treats for the kiddos. Made Chris a batch of brownies & took to him yesterday. Clay did bring me some flowers home last night along with a card. He said he had to make sure that there was at least ONE red carnation in the flowers......will have to maybe share that story in another post if y'all want me to. Just ask & I will ;-) And for a special dessert last night we had monkey bread (or as the kids call them....monkey nuts) & coffee. Decided on a pic of my Valentine cards all lined up on the counter. I LOVE that little birdy one that Ashley made me....isn't that the cutest?!
This was just too funny & I HAD to share.......Michael was paying Jon back so now they're even. He went upstairs this morning & painted Jon's toes while he slept. A lovely shade of 'sparkly' turquois blue. And he continued to sleep while Ashley turned the light on & took this picture. Too, too funny!!
And last but certainly not least.....We were watching old episodes of Bewitched while we scrapped yesterday afternoon & they sat Charlie on the arm of the sofa & he actaully sat there watching TV for a while. He was so cute & I love how Ashley captured Elizabeth Montgomery & Charlie's little head cocked to one side. Cute, cute, cute!

-Day 45-
We didn't do anything super spectacular for Vday.....we had our usual celebratory cinnamon buns & coffee for breakfast & I had some little candy treats for the kiddos. Made Chris a batch of brownies & took to him yesterday. Clay did bring me some flowers home last night along with a card. He said he had to make sure that there was at least ONE red carnation in the flowers......will have to maybe share that story in another post if y'all want me to. Just ask & I will ;-) And for a special dessert last night we had monkey bread (or as the kids call them....monkey nuts) & coffee. Decided on a pic of my Valentine cards all lined up on the counter. I LOVE that little birdy one that Ashley made me....isn't that the cutest?!
Oh so much to comment on! I love the Valentine Cards..they are beautiful; y'all are so talented! I think you should set up shop and sell them. The blue toenails are a hoot, you'll have to tell us what Jon thought about them! And OF COURSE, we want to hear the story about the carnation-don't spare any details!
"Manly Shopping Trip" -does that mean that they were huting?
Nope Kimberly....not hunting season here. They were shopping......places like Best Buy, Game Stop, Dicks Sporting Goods....that kind of 'Manly Shopping.'
The picture of Charlie is adorable! Zip likes to watch Gilligan's Island. LOL!
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