I have been totally LAZY today!! So tired from running & doing all week. Sometimes it's nice just to have a day to do NOTHING....which is NOT entirely true....I have done two loads of laundry & the usual cooking/cleaning up stuff. Watched a movie this afternoon....'Kate & Leopold'....really cute! Gotta love Meg Ryan. I missed the beginning of it so will have to go back some other time & watch what all I missed.
Also pulled out some Christmas cds today...after all it IS November now. ;-) I LOVE my Christmas music....especially Manheim Steamroller! They are sooo awesome...would LOVE to go hear them in person! Right now I'm downloading the Trans Siberian Orchestra....a friend of mine told me about them....said if I liked Manheim, I'd like them & I'm totally hooked now. They're awesome too!!
Opening Day of Muzzle Load, but no deer for us. Clay & Jon did see one but couldn't get a shot off. They were surrounded by turkeys.....19 of them, I think they counted! Too bad it's not turkey season.
Tried to get inspired to work on my Christmas cards today, but just couldn't get in the mood. Don't know what is with me this year. In years past, I have had them done by Halloween or at least by Thanksgiving. I'd better shake a leg if I hope to get them done in time!!