Saturday, August 18, 2007

Daily Something

I love that it on Ali Edward's blog & decided to use it. My 'daily something' is this layout I did of the kids shucking corn for supper one evening. Love the everyday shots like this....just those little snippets of time that make up our lives! More snippets from my day today.....canned 7 more quarts of tomatoes this morning...laundry...cut Chris' hair...scrapped...grilled BBQ wings for for a bit.....folded a load of towels....helped Alli get her bath started & here I am...just waiting on Clay to get home now. Loved this snippet from the Elm Creek Quilt books I've been reading........."That sounds exciting," Donna said wistfully. "All I've ever done with my life is keep house & raise kids." "That's all?" Grace said. "That's EVERYTHING. There's no more important job in the world than raising your children. No job is more difficult, either." "Or more rewarding," Vinnie said. "I raised four children and don't regret for a moment any of the sacrifices I made for them. I don't know how mothers these days can bear to leave their children in day care while they go off to work!"

1 comment:

Laura S. said...

Love it!!
