Round 1 of Christmas pictures....
Jon's checking out his new guitar headphones & Ashley is looking through her new Jane Austen collection.
Jon's checking out his new guitar headphones & Ashley is looking through her new Jane Austen collection.
Alli's new peacoat from Old Navy......she says, 'enough already, mom!'
Chris & Michael
Rocky is enjoying his new bone. And he was VERY possessive with his new toys. See how he's gathered them all into a pile.....& he did NOT want anyone messing with them!! He had a ball on his first Christmas morning. ;-)
Such a even has little monkey tittles! LOL
Chris is still feeling pretty crummy......better during the day & he's been able to enjoy himself to some extent, but he's opted on staying home this evening while we go to Maw's. I hate leaving him 'Home Alone' on Christmas evening, but I know he'll be fine & the quiet rest will probably do him good. We'll be heading out here in a bit as soon as everyone gets ready....snowing like crazy & the ground is covered. Nothing like a White Christmas! Glad I decided to just stay in tomorrow. I know we will all need a day to crash & just take it easy. Planning on plunking myself on the couch by the wood stove with my granny stripe crocheting & watching the 'DiNozzo DiKnows Best' marathon all day!
Merry Christmas everyone!!
Don't leave me in suspense....did you get your slippers?
Sad to say, I didn't. :-(
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