Monday, December 20, 2010

Suffer the little children....

....and forbid them not, to come unto me; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.
~Matthew 19:14
Yesterday was our turn back in the preschool class at church.....& I'm going to be honest.....sometimes I'm just not in the mood to be back there with a bunch of wide-open 4 & 5 yr. olds. I guess I've just put that much distance between those years & the teen years now.....but, I do it because I REALLY do love little kids & I want Ashley to have this experience of working with little people so she can appreciate them & want some of her own one day & not be at a total loss in how to deal with them when her time comes. Anyway, I was feeling kind of selfish yesterday.....really wanting to be in church & enjoy all the Christmas music.......which by the way, we did get to enjoy for a little while, because there were no kids back there at first & so we went on into the song service until our little ones started coming in. We ended up with 5 kids.....usually our max is 7 (We missed you Jess & Taylor)....& boy were they WIDE-OPEN yesterday. I guess it was all the excitement of this wonderful season! They were all just too adorable in there new Christmas outfits. Well, we all know the saying.......'even a child shall lead them'...........God used these little ones to totally melt my heart yesterday! First of all I told them we were going to have cupcakes for snack time to celebrate someone's birthday & did they know whose birthday it was going to be this week. They all answered together.......'Jesus' birthday!' And Donna's little girl pipes up with the fact that if Jesus hadn't been born then we wouldn't have any Christmas at all. She is so precious & always amazes me with her depth of understanding. To think of the life she was born into & the family that God has given her's just beyond amazing! All these little kids......their grasp of the Christmas story was something think that little 4 & 5 yr. olds KNOW what really happened that first Christmas & WHY we celebrate.....blows me away!!! Thank You, Jesus for all these precious little ones!

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